The best morning pick-me-up drink

A refreshing way to get your daily dose of vitamin C by using fresh ginger root and lemon juice! 1.Peel the ginger root /200gr/ 2.Chop/grate the ginger and bring to the boil 3.Allow the ginger…

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Turning 27

  Growing older can be very daunting. When I was in my early twenties I used to hate birthdays seeing that I was getting close to thirty. I am so happy that my mentality has…

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Marble Anything

    Marble has been used for thousands of years by Greek and Roman sculptors and architects. Today marble signifies luxury and timeless chic. Marble is elegant, durable and it’s the perfect way to achieve…

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5 lessons of 2017

  That’s probably the most cliche phrase ever but I just can’t believe that it is 2018 already – time flies by so quickly doesn’t it. I feel like most of us are so caught…

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