Turning 27


Growing older can be very daunting. When I was in my early twenties I used to hate birthdays seeing that I was getting close to thirty. I am so happy that my mentality has changed drastically since then and now I see every day as a new opportunity to work on myself. I am so grateful for everything and everyone in my life. Just thinking about the fact that I turned 27  excites me and I can’t wait to see what the next chapter in my life will bring. Reflecting on how long it has actually taken me to reach a point in my life when I actually feel happy in my own skin, reminded me that there are a lot out people out there going through the same issues. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that do not notice the beauty of life because they are so focused on making a living. We, as a society, have become so self-centered that we stop noticing the beauty of life – just being alive and healthy, having a  roof over our head,  being financially secure, embracing the views of a breathtaking sunset, starring at the bright blue summer skies, enjoying a great cup of iced coffee on a sunny afternoon and so much more…



Till today most of us haven’t been able to master the fundamentals of human existence – empathy, kindness, gratitude, compassion, humanity etc. It breaks my heart to see that we live in a world powered by greed and desire for power. Yes, we are all human and that is part of our nature – but is that really a way to live?! I believe I am a natural reflector and I always try to learn from everyday life not only from my own mistakes but also from my interactions with others and their viewpoint. I get it, life is not easy and we face different challenges in our lives and we spend most of our time planning the future and feeling regretful about the past. We always feel under pressure trying to live up to other people’s expectations and we forget about ourselves and our own goals. Sometimes it can be very healthy to just take a step back and think about what is really important and just live in the moment. Yes, money gives you security and I will be lying to myself and to you if I tell you it’s not important. But let’s face it, we all want to have a sense of purpose, we want to feel like we are not only working on ourselves and towards financial security but we also want to make sure that our actions have a positive impact on other people’s lives. It’s not easy, that’s for sure but it so worth the effort at the end.

I have come to the conclusion that if I want to be happy I have to surround myself with people who are positive, genuine and have a similar approach to life in general. I have stopped wasting my life trying to keep meaningless relationships and listening to detractors. I hope that this will inspire you to embrace gratitude and positivity in your daily life, find the time to figure out what is really important for you, discover the determination within you to follow your own path and just always strive to be the best version of yourself.





        Being genuine


Being genuine not only about who you are and what you believe in but also in the way you portray yourself in front of people is extremely important for me. So many of us waste precious time contemplating if we are good enough to achieve what our heart desires and even pretend to be someone we are not just so we can fit somewhere and not stand out. And although it’s not an easy thing to just go out in the dark and stand up for what you believe in, it has slowly become the trend nowadays. Social media has become the platform for people to share their opinions and to connect with like-minded people or find inspiration to chase their dreams or even be the one inspiring others. So if you are brave enough to share your vision and ideas with others, you are most likely going to find people who are willing to support you on your journey. People want to be able to connect and relate to people who are not afraid to show their true self and express their individuality. It’s so exciting to see this shift in people’s mentality towards supporting the ambitions of others around the world. At the end of the day, we are all in the same boat




Emotional Intelligence


Throughout the years  I have learnt that our time is so precious and I do not allow everyone in my life for that same reason. I have a very small circle of friends that appreciate me for who I am as a person. I could give you a million examples from my own personal experience when people have been rude, insensitive and have generally spoken without actually thinking first. Those are the people that have made me think twice about who I would want to surround myself with. I have learnt to ignore insensitive comments and instead try and educate people. That being said, I can only advise every one of you to be the better person and try to tackle negative people with positive attitude. The one advice I can give is to listen – try and understand others, put yourself in their shoes before you say something that you think might offend them. It’s not rocket science, just treat people the way you want to be treated.






                                                                 What I Wore

             Dress – Zara  (similar)      Bag – Dior (similar)     Shoes – & other stories





Focusing on the present plays a huge role in my life as it helps me stay positive and it gives me a sense of purpose. Waking up every day and being grateful for I have achieved, feeling content with myself and not trying to please everyone around me was not something I thought I was capable of in my early twenties. I have learned that focusing on the positive, having the courage to keep working towards my goals and seeing the beauty in everyday life can be one of the main aspects that can help you grow as a person. Although it can be quite difficult to get in the habit of focusing on the present, it is definitely not impossible. Reflecting on your experiences can help you feel so much happier and content with the present as well as block any negative thoughts that you might have. Though it can sound quite insignificant in the grand scale of things, it can make the biggest of difference in your daily life. By doing so you will be able to see your future possibilities much clearer and that could have a massive impact on your life as a whole and your decision-making process on a day to basis. So what is your next move?



I think we all need to try and be the best version of yourself and by growing older our focus should always be to treat everyone around us with respect, kindness and understanding.  Although finding a way to stay more grounded in our busy lives can be quite a difficult task, it is definitely not impossible. Being more considerate of those around you and always striving to have a positive impact on other people’s lives will not only help you live a happier life but will also inspire others to always strive to be better and to do better. Always strive to be that one person that can make a difference.




Yours truly,


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